Thursday, July 8, 2010

July, month one

Birthday: July 3, 2010

Day One July 3, 2010: Everett was born after a night of contractions, and a fantastic epidural; and about a half an hour of pushing, at 12:58 pm. We are thrilled to have him here finally~ everyone has commented on what a beautiful baby he is, gorgeous complexion, long fingers and toes, bright eyes, and sweet little whimper. We can't stop staring at him!
Our Dr, Scott Hansen delivered Everett, he was having an early Independence day barbecue, and smelled like BBQ sauce when he came in to deliver :)
Grandma and Grandpa Mitchell and Stephanie and Jarom were the first visitors to the hospital, they arrived from the family reunion in Ophir about an hour after he was born. That night Grandma Debbie came to meet him and brought all the uncles: Jared, Jeremy, Jeffrey, and Joseph, and Aunt Jana. They all took turns holding him and saying hello :) We had our first Family prayer tonight, all three of us, it felt so good, and the spirit was with us.

Day two July 4, 2010: A good first night, John was a big help, none of us got much sleep, but when we weren't feeding or changing him, we couldn't stop staring at this beautiful child, our first born. We are so thankful to Father in Heaven for trusting us with this precious spirit, already he has a calming presence, and such a sweet disposition, his cries are soft, and come only when he wants to be fed or changed. John and I both LOVE holding him while he's sleeping. We can't get enough of his facial expressions, he is such a hoot! Grandma's LeAnn and Debbie both came to visit, and Uncle James and Aunt Meikka along with Seth, Jacob, and Lia. Lia was especially enamored with Baby Everett, she wanted to hold, kiss, and play with him, though she's still working one being gentle. :) She wanted to honk his little nose, she would giggle after she pinched it, it was so funny and adorable that she wanted to play with him so much. She also brought him everything she could reach, juice, applesauce, binky's fun :)

Day Three July 5, 2010: Everett passed all his tests and we brought him home today!!! So relieved to be home, and surrounded by family to take good care of us! Grandma LeAnn, and Steph and Jarom prepared a welcome home display with balloons, flowers, and signs! Grandma LeAnn has been taking such good care of me, and gets lots of snuggle time with the baby. We treated ourselves to Iceberg Ice Cream Shakes after dinner, delish! Everett is such a pleaser, content as can be as long as he doesn't need fed or changed :)

Day Four July 6, 2010: Tonight the Young Women (My Mia Maid class) Came to see the little man. They had so many questions about him, and he was such a good baby being passed around, they couldn't get over his little hands and feet! :)
From and email from Aunt Amy, William and Lily's response to the arrival of their newest cousin: {After Courtenay had Everett, Stephanie sent a picture message via cell phone. I handed the phone to William to show the kids and Lily peaked over his shoulder and said, "Aaahhh, he's so cute. I want to hold it." She took the phone out of Williams hand and walked off cradling the phone, staring at it's tiny screen. I heard her say in her most sweet voice, "I want to look at him for a while."
William was also excited about the newest addition to the Mitchell clan. As soon as we heard about Everett's arrival he said in a dutiful yet excited manner, "Well, I guess I better make him a little invitation to the 'boy club!' Because he's, you know, a baby. So he's little. Get it?'"}

Day five July 7 2010: In the evening we took Everett on his first walk in his stroller, we went around the neighborhood as far as I could manage, I'm still sore and tender, still healing. When the neighbors saw us coming, tons of them came out to say hello and meet our little fella, is arrival was much anticipated by the ward members. It's fun to show off such a handsome little man!
Earlier in the day Bruce and Carol Jolley and Jenni Woodmansee came to visit! It was SO fun to get to see them, Carol was like a second mother to me growing up. John's Uncle David and Aunt Darcy also came to visit!

Day Six July 8, 2010: Daddy forgot to put baby's "trigger" pointing down during a diaper change, and Everett pee'd all over Mommy and she had to do a load of laundry in the middle of the night, but then in the morning Mommy was changing a poopy diaper, and baby pooped in the middle of the change, and mommy didn't catch it all, it got on the bedspread, soaked through the sheets and the mattress pad, John used a half a bucket of oxi-clean to get the yellow stains out! We're learning :)

Day Seven July 9, 2010: Today was the first doctors visit. Everett impresses everyone with his beautiful complexion, and his size :) He is in the 75th percentile for both head and weight, and in the 90th percentile for his height. Everything looks great, he now weighs 8 lbs 13 ounces, only 4 ounces less than his birth weight, and he has no jaundice :) My Aunt Marilyn came to visit today :)

Day Eight, July 10, 2010: ONE WEEK OLD! Jarom and Stephanie came to visit again, and we took Everett on his first shopping trip to downeast. He was content to stay bundled up in my sling while we shopped, such a trooper :) We sat outside for awhile in the evening, and he enjoyed the summer breeze :) He has had some sad goopy eye boogers in his right eye, hoping his tear duct opens up soon :)

Day nine, July 11, 2010: Sunday, we stayed home from church but still played sunday dress up, Sister Marilyn Barney made Everett the cutest onesie with a red and white striped bowtie attached, it is so adorable! Grandma LeAnn combed his hair with a part in the middle like a barber, it's so cute!!!

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